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Wynn CNY Festive Design

Wynn festive design for the Year of the Ox by Tramy Lui incorporates a unique blend of Chinese and Western graphic elements. The design features the prominent Macau landmarks of St. Paul’s Ruins, Guia Lighthouse and the tiled roof of the A-Ma Temple. Each cultural icon of Macau is thoughtfully integrated into the design, showcasing both Chinese and Portuguese architecture, that signifies harmony and peace. 🎨✨

The festive set is a must-have gift set for Chinese New Year, including four flavours of cakes, red packets and face masks. With rich elements and fine style illustrations distributed on the packages, combined with unique, multi-level printing techniques, the overall appearance is exquisite, gorgeous, and noble. ✨

Wynn永利的賀年宣傳形象由本地插畫師 Tramy Lui 雷欣宜注入創意,以澳門中西文化薈萃為靈感,將澳門地標大三巴、東望洋燈塔及媽閣廟的瓦頂融入設計,並透過精緻的中式元素及葡式磚紋圖案鋪展創意,傳遞和諧昌盛,萬象欣榮的寓意。🎨✨


#wynnmacau #wynnpalace #tramylui #macaudesigncentre
Illustration by Tramy Lui @ TICK.DESIGN ✨​​​
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Wynn CNY Festive Design

Wynn CNY Festive Design

Wynn festive design for the Year of the Ox by Tramy Lui incorporates a unique blend of Chinese and Western graphic elements. The design features Read More
